The 1st Analog VLSI Workshop
sponsored by the IEE of Japan
May 6,7,8, 1997
Dreese Laboratory, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
The Research Committee on Electronic Circuits of the IEEJ (The Institute of
Electrical Engineers of Japan) is sponsoring the 1st Analog VLSI Workshop to
be held at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA, May 6-8, 1997.
The purpose of the workshop is the exchange of information, ideas and recent
research results on analog VLSI circuits and their applications.
The main objective is to provide an informal setting for a group (about 100)
of analog VLSI specialists from both industry and academia worldwide, to meet
and brainstorm. The work does not have to be complete, e.g. results from a
test chip are not mandatory.
The topics for the Workshop include but are not limited to:
Amplifiers, Filters, Comparators, Multipliers, Voltage References, Sample-And-
Hold Circuits, A/D and D/A Converters, Mixed Analog/Digital Circuits,
Low Voltage/Low Power, Analog Circuit Simulators, Layout techniques, Analog
Signal and Information Processing Applications (Telecommunication, Multimedia,
Consumer, Medical, Automotive, Space, Military, etc)
Authors are requested to send information including the complete title, author
name(s), affiliation(s) of author(s), and corresponding author (name, postal
and e-mail addresses, telephone/fax numbers) to one of the following
Secretariats by February 21, 1997.
Author's Kit will be sent after the Secretariats receive the above information.
The official language of the workshop is English. The deadline for camera-ready
manuscript is March 31, 1997.
Registration fee, which covers banquet, is $100. Although no registration fee is
required for full-time students, $50 must be paid when they attend the banquet.
Only on-site registration is available.
Further information including technical program, hotel reservation, etc can be
obtained from the Secretariats by e-mail or FAX.
Prof. Masayuki Ishikawa
Dept. of Electrical Engineering,
Kisarazu National College of Technology,
2-11-1, Kiyomidai-Higashi, Kisarazu, Chiba 292, Japan
FAX: +81-438-98-5717
Prof. Akira Hyogo
C/O Prof. Mohammed Ismail
Dept. of Electrical Engineering,
The Ohio State University,
2015 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH43210
FAX: +1-614-292-7596
Organizing Committee
Committee Chair
Nobuo Fujii (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
Committee Secretaries
Masayuki Ishikawa (Kisarazu National College of Tech.)
Hiroshi Tanimoto (Toshiba Corp.)
Futao Yamaguchi (Sony Corp.)
Committee Co-Secretary
Akira Hyogo (Science Univ. of Tokyo)
Committee Members
Takahiro Inoue (Kumamoto Univ.)
Mitsuo Okine (Hiroshima Inst. of Tech.)
Yuichi Ono (Electrotechnical Laboratory)
Kazuo Kato (Hitachi Ltd.)
Noriyoshi Kambayashi (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.)
Kazuyuki Saijyo (Sony Corp.)
Noboru Shibuya (Takusyoku Univ.)
Yasuhiro Sugimoto (Chuo Univ.)
Keitaro Sekine (Science Univ. of Tokyo)
Yoshifumi Sekine (Nihon Univ.)
Shigetaka Takagi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
Toshiyuki Tahara (OKI Electric Industory Co. Ltd)
Tuneo Tsukahara (NTT)
Yutaka Fukui (Tottori Univ.)
Masataka Mitani (Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.)
Seijiro Moriyama (Toshiba Corp.)
Masaki Yamakawa (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
Masatsune Yamaguchi (Chiba Univ.)
Hiromichi Watanabe (Niigata Univ.)
Local Arrangement Chairs
Mohammed Ismail (Ohio state Univ.)
Steven B. Bibyk (Ohio state Univ.)